As required by the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, the Department of Justice released an interesting report entitled: Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2008-2009. The Act requires DOJ's Bureau of Justice Statistics to: (1) conduct "a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidents and effects of prison rape for each calendar year," and (2) "provide a list of prisons and jails according to the prevalence of sexual victimization." From TalkLeft:
90,000 inmates, more than 4 percent of prison inmates and over 3 percent of jail inmates, reported being sexually victimized in custody.
Female inmates were more than twice as likely as male inmates to report experiencing sexual victimization by another inmate.
Among inmates who reported victimization by another inmate, 13 percent of male prison inmates and 19 percent of male jail inmates said they were victimized within the first 24 hours after being admitted to a corrections facility. In contrast, the figure for women was 4 percent for prison and jail.
Inmates with a sexual orientation other than heterosexual reported significantly higher rates of inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization and staff sexual misconduct.
In the USA it depends which state you live in. I would say, the average would be about 6 years but thats not involving killing your victim as well as raping them. But usually you get let off about 2 years for good behavour.
Posted by: Online Viagra | September 09, 2010 at 03:30 AM
This kind of sexual abuse has to do with power, far more than it does with sex. Overwork, feeling disrespected and undervalued and a level of anger and/or depression about their jobs may fuel the abusive staff members of these institutions
Posted by: Buy generic viagra | October 05, 2010 at 02:35 AM
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Posted by: Account Deleted | November 24, 2010 at 03:12 AM
Posted by: Account Deleted | December 05, 2010 at 02:45 AM
Citizens are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment. As a criminal defense lawyer I'm often surprised that people believe imprisonment has some beneficial effect on those imprisoned -- as if being forced to live in a violent environment will make them better citizens. Take a look it this article:
Posted by: Kevin Mahoney | February 25, 2011 at 03:49 PM
If violence and sexual assault is not condoned in the United States and is seen as a criminal offense then it should not be condoned in our prison system. Even though prisoners have committed crimes most of them are non-violent offenders and they should not be subjected to this violence. Prisoners should still be seen as humans and not be denied the same rights as us even though they have committed a crime because prison is suppose to be a place to rehabilitate offenders. However, we are not treating our prison systems this way it's a place of punishment and its meant to incarcerate certain types of people, so the government can control them. I think prisoners need to be protected inside of our prisons and be given other options such as treatment and rehabilitation programs instead of being locked in their cell all day long. This will only make the prisoner more prone to violence when they are released and there is a higher possibility that they will only reoffend and go back to prison instead of becoming a more productive citizen in society. I think if prisoners were given more rehabilitation program then there would be less violence going on in the prison system because it gives them a chance to be more productive and not being in their cells all day long with nothing to do. I think our justice system is not giving prisoners a chance to be reformed they are basically saying everyone is a bad person that's why they were locked up in the first place therefore they cannot change and we should just lock them away and throw away the key. I think our society needs to care more about prisoners and treat them like human beings instead of animals because when they get out of prison they become society's problem by putting someone else's life in danger when the person reoffends and ends up right back in prison.
Posted by: roseline | May 13, 2011 at 04:31 PM
I agree with Kevin: Citizens are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment.
Posted by: H Snader | December 03, 2011 at 06:02 PM
Great article. I totally agree with the above comments too.
Posted by: Divorce Lawyer | December 05, 2011 at 12:25 AM