The 63rd edition of the Carnival Against Sexual Violence is out at abyss2hope. Here is the legal section:
In Senator Alquist introduces Statute of Limitations for Sex Crimes (SB 46) posted at CALCASA Public Policy, we get a discussion about a California bill which seeks to eliminate the statute of limitations for rape.
In Proving our innocence (by Suzie) posted at ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, we get discussion about how in rape cases even with overwhelming evidence that the rape victim is often assumed to be guilty during the trial so that even the tiniest detail which differs from juror expectations can result in an acquittal.
In FEATURE: Rape Victim Presses Case of Police Abuse in Japan posted at Women's eNews, we get a discussion of a rape survivor's efforts to prevent other rape victims from being treated the way she was treated after she reported having been raped.
In "Shocks fit well into the brothel business model because they cause agonizing pain and terrify the girls without damaging their looks or undermining their market value." posted at Feminist Law Professors, we get a discussion about sex slavery and the assumptions people make about where sex slavery does and does not happen.
In Teacher accused of having sex with teen 300 times posted at, we get a discussion of a teacher accused of abusing a 13-year-old student.
In Human Rights Watch studied abuses posted at CrimProf Blog, we get a discussion of a lawsuit against the Michigan Dept. of Corrections by female inmates over sexual assault, sexual harassment and other inappropriate practices.
In 4th Circuit Got it Right in Comstock posted at Sex Crimes, we get a discussion of a ruling which found that the part of the Adam Walsh Act which concerns the civil commitment of sex offenders after incarceration is unconstitutional.
In Woman Who "Did Not Want to Have Sex" Arrested for Biting Penis posted at The Curvature, we get a discussion of a case where the husband's physical violence was ignored because it was labeled as self defense yet the woman's decision to bite wasn't considered to be self defense for a possible sexual assault in progress.
In More Garden Variety Male Sexual Aggression? posted at abyss2hope: A rape survivor's zigzag journey into the open, I discuss the charges against 2 Santa Ana College football players and their friend made after a video of the alleged assault was turned over to police by an anonymous source.
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