Sentencing Law & Policy has three posts about three recent sex crimes sentences. In Another notable child porn sentencing decision, Berman points to a notable Judge Pratt opinion in a child pornography case. In An honest (and honorable?) gendered sentencing outcome in adult-teen sex case, there is a story of a woman that was given a lighter sentence in New Hampshire for sexual assault of a boy because of the boy's "raging hormones." And in Is there a law student sentencing discount for federal child porn charges?, an apparent sentencing break was given to a law student. Shouldn't the legally trained be held to a higher standard?
Berman finishes the last post with a concern that I strongly concur with: "As I have stressed in a number of prior posts, anyone seriously concerned about federal sentencing disparities should look very closely at federal child porn cases. And, critically, this look must focus closely on the operation of prosecutorial discretion, which often seems to have an even bigger impact in these cases than judicial discretion."
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