It's at abyss2hope. Here is the legal section:
In First-ever global anti-human trafficking forum opens posted at Holly's Fight to Stop Violence, we get a discussion of the United Nations forum held in Vienna, Austria with 1200 experts, legislators, law enforcement agents and other representatives from around the world.
In CrimProf Mary Leary Discusses Protocols Needed in Online Child Exploitation Cases posted at CrimProf Blog, we get a discussion of how the law handles cases where children create and then distribute sexually explicit images of themselves in violation of child pornography laws.
In Legal Standards Target Protective-Order Breakdowns posted at Allegory of the Cave, we get a discussion of flaws in the system behind protective orders given to crime victims which leaves many of these people protected in name only.
In How The Media Influences Rape Conviction Rates posted at Feminist Peace Network, we get a discussion of a study done which looked at the distorted picture the media creates about rape and how this distortion impacts those cases which don't fit the media model of a real rape.
In Another Reason Statute Of Limitations On Rape Are A Problem posted at abyss2hope: A rape survivor's zigzag journey into the open, I discuss a Washington state case where some of the charges had to be dropped and replaced by non-sex crime statutes which were also broken because the rape of a minor wasn't reported in the allotted time.
In I'm not a murderer, just a necrophiliac. posted at PC Bloggs - a Twenty-first Century Police Officer, we get a discussion of defense strategies used to combat overwhelming evidence beginning with the murder trial of Mark Dixie whose defense team is claiming he did have sex with the woman, Sally Anne Bowman, after she died of multiple stab wounds but he didn't kill her.
In It’s The Predatory Perversion, Stupid posted at Jules Crittenden, we get a discussion of the crimes which follow failed efforts to have high-risk sex offenders civilly committed.
In Rape on YouTube posted at Sex Crimes, we get a discussion about a gang rape case in the UK where one of the teenage participants posted a video of their attack on the unconscious woman while the victim's children were being restrained.
In Graeme Reeves: Medical rape culture and collegiality at Hoyden About Town posted at Hoyden About Town, we get a discussion of an Australian doctor who intentionally mutilated women's sexual organs and who failed to properly treat all of his patients medical problems.
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